I don't even know where to begin on this post but I will start by saying that I had the worst performance I have ever had competing!!! I'm not one to make excuses and I won't but my performance 2 weeks ago has got me motivated to train harder and smarter from now on.First and foremost you are what you eat and your body is the only one you got so take care of it and fuel it right!! With that said lets talk about my performance.
My first and only match was against a tough guy by the name of Nathan Mendelson!! I've always seen him around at all the local tournaments but never had the chance to compete against him until 2 weeks ago. He's a very legit competitor and my hat goes off to him for shutting me down and smashing me. You live and learn from your mistakes and experiances good or bad!! On to the next one!!!
With the image of me doing so poorly and burned into my brain I started working harder on my grey ares in bjj or my weak areas and tried adding some new stuff. I've been going nuts knowing I did not live up to my potential or come close to even doing good!! All in all I am now headed to New York to redeem myself for how I did!!! As you read this you may think I'm too hard on myself or that I dwell to much on this loss but to me this is my life and I'm a very competitive person who hates to lose or do bad in anything. With that I am leaving on the 18th and compete on the 21st and I'm very pumped and stoked to be going to NY!!! I am headed out there with a bunch of my team mates and friends from Cobrinha bjj Alliance Los Angeles. I can't wait to go and compete and enjoy all that NY offers!!!!!!!!!!